Does Christianity Believe In Extraterrestrial Life And How Does It Deal With It?

 There have been several ideologies and stories about how mankind came into being, how there were no miseries, and, the fact that God never planned death. Stories such as the Pandora’s Box, where, the opening of Pandora’s box signifies the start of all miseries similarly if Eve had not eaten the apple, the world would have been a better place. And the stories of Jesus Christ in which all Christians believe and pray, that Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary and actually sacrificed his life on the cross to free us all of all our sins.

Can this not be called incarnation? Was Jesus Christ reincarnated and born again to relieve us of evils and sins? If this is true then there may be extraterrestrial life on other planets as well and they must be having similar Gods and Goddesses or have their own God in which they believe. Just like Jesus Christ retook birth by sacrificing his life on the cross and was born again to take care of us all on the Earth similarly a similar thing might have happened on other planets or other parts of the universe.

This dogma of reincarnation and redemption may not be centered on Earth and the assumption of the theological significance of extraterrestrial life is quite significant. There may be a playing God elsewhere as well, where people, animals, and organisms may be following their own beliefs and religions. It might be their belief may be even stronger and significant. They may be getting reincarnated to Earth and then back to their own planet or where ever they belong.

All these may sound to be very strange and skeptical and may be quite questionable but there definitely exists a science to extraterrestrial life. There has been evidence to prove that there is extraterrestrial life which also sometimes affects our existence on planet Earth. This can be both beneficial as well as dangerous to mankind on Earth, however, if there is God for us then there may be some supreme power for everything which exists.


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